GP Extended Hours
Evening Surgeries
A late surgery operates Monday to Friday. These appointments are for those patients who are unable to attend during normal surgery hours due to their work commitment.
Enhanced Access to General Practice
We are participating in a national incentive to offer evening and weekend appointments to make it easier for you to see a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional at a time more convenient to you between 6.30pm – 8pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays. The aim of the scheme is to help people who may find it difficult to see a healthcare professional during the traditional surgery opening hours.
Evening and weekend appointments are available at the surgery, or at an NHS service nearby, services available include vaccinations, health checks and screenings.
If you require a routine GP appointment after 18:30pm during Monday to Friday or on a Saturday please contact the surgery during our core hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:30 to arrange your appointment.